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Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters ve funkci drupal_get_feeds() (řádek: 394 v souboru C:\inetpub\wwwIsR\Vojta\drupal\includes\common.inc).

2006-07 Upper Deck Series 1 Hockey 8 Pack Blaster Box

1 699 Kč
Kód zboží: B557

2006-07 Upper Deck Series 1 Hockey 8 Pack Blaster Box

okie karty
* Young Guns - 1:4
* 200 základních karet

Signature & Memorabilia karty
- Signature Sensations autograph karty 1:288
- UD Game Jersey 1:13
- NHL Generations Duals jersey - číslované do 100
- NHL Generations Triples jersey - číslované do 25
- UD Game Patch - číslované do 15
- NHL Generations Dual Patches - číslované do 10
- NHL Generations Triple Patches - číslované do 5

Paralelní karty a Inserty:
- UD Exclusives parallel - číslované do 100
- UD HG Exclusives glossy parallel - číslované do 10
- Shootout Artists 1:12
- Hometown Heroes 1:12
- NHL Award Winners 1:24
- Statistical Leaders 1:24
- Game Dated Moments etched Light F/X technology 1:288

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